Braille Pad Project







首都大学東京システムデザイン研究科 | 串山 久美子, 馬場 晢晃, 渡辺 真太郎, 中西 恭介, 茂木 龍太, 兼松 祥央, ポール・ヘイメズ, 松岡 湧紀, 横溝 有希子, 須田 拓也, 韓 旭, 山口 晃人

筑波大学附属視覚特別支援学校 | 山口 崇

Braille Pad Project

In the education of visually-impaired people, learning Braille is an important facilitator of basic communication through reading and writing. In recent years, education that incorporates information through tablet devices has become increasingly popular, but is difficult to use in conjunction with tactile presentation, such as Braille for visually-impaired people. Therefore, this project is developing tactile Braille presentation delivered through everyday tablet devices as a fun way of supporting Braille education. Through the development of this system for learning Braille, we hope to promote an interest in increasing the accessibility of Braille education.



Project members:

Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of System Design | Kumiko KUSHIYAMA, Tetsuaki BABA, Shintaro WATANABE, Kyosuke NAKANISHI, Ryuta MOTEGI, Yoshihisa KANEMATSU, Paul HAIMES, Yuki MATSUOKA, Yukiko YOKOMIZO, Takuya SUDA, Xu HAN, Akirahito YAMAGUCHI

Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired, University of Tsukuba | Takashi YAMAGUCHI






近年様々なメディアでダンスが取り上げられており,そうした中で新たなダンスの表現が生まれてきている. ダンスと何かを組み合わせるものが多くその中で「LED」の衣装をまとったものがある.しかし,これらのシステムは楽曲や舞台の進行と同期して発行タイミングを合わせるものが多くシステムが大掛かりであると同時に演者光をコントロールることが困難である.そこで本研究では動きにあった光り方をするようなアルゴリズムを見つけその動きにあった光り方を提供可能なデバイスを提案する.

In recent years, dance has been featured in a variety of media, and as such, has led to new forms of dance. Amongst these new forms are combinations of dance and costumes that utilise digital technology such as LEDs. However, these systems do not synchronise easily with other aspects of dance performance, such as music and lighting. Therefore, in this research we propose to develop a device that utilises an algorithm that allows for a performance where lighting reacts to the performer’s movements.



In both childhood and adulthood, training is necessary to read music scores, which sometimes makes music composition and performance difficult to learn and enjoy. In this research, we proposed a system that enables users to play their own handwritten musical notation by using our intuitive musical interface.

Since the 1960s, Optical Music Recognition (OMR) has become established in the field of printed scores. Recently, Yamamoto proposed an interactive musical system that directly utilizes printed music scores as an instrument using matching keypoints. However, little research on handwritten notation has been done, nor on interactive systems for OMR. Therefore we created a system that combines notating with performing in order to make music more intuitive as a way to assist those learning how to read and write musical scores.



  • Tetsuaki Baba, Yuya Kikukawa, Kumiko Kushiyama, Gocen: Appropriating Simplified Handwritten Notation as a Musical Interface, Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design Association, ADADA, Vol.18, No.1, 2014 [PDF]
  • 馬場哲晃,菊川裕也,串山久美子,青木允,簡易な手書き譜面を利用した演奏システム Gocen の設計,情報処理学会論文誌,一般社団法人情報処理学会,Vol.54, No.4, pp.1327–1337, 2013-4 [PDF]




Yuki Matsuoka  Saki Yamamoto  Yoshimi Iijima Kazumi Sato  Tetsuaki Baba  Shin Tsuchiya  Kumiko Kushiyama  Verl Adams


This research integrates interactive media technologies, such as motion detectors, light sensors and motion actuators, into the design of architectural modular screen structures in order to create new types of intelligent, interactive screen wall systems. The results will have multiple practical and artistic applications, including architectural sun shading, privacy screening and varied interactive media applications. This work will combine  the beauty, utility and spatial qualities found in architectural screen design with the intelligence and interface of interactive media.


  • [PDF]




This research proposes an interface where users can build cooperative relationships through visual and auditory communication. In this context, “cooperative relationship” refers to users determining their actions while being aware of another user’s actions. We made a transparent screen that measures touch position by using depth camera, and visually mapped sound harmonics by Lissajous curve.


  • [PDF]



Shiftbeat is an interface that allows the user to intuitively perform music. Intuitive input was created by using gesture recognition through the use of a capacitive sensor. By adjusting the amount of pressure applied to the input sensor, you can adjust parameters, such as time intervals. We aimed to produce an artificial rhythm and an efficient way of producing sound that is not possible to perform with existing musical interfaces.


  • [PDF]

Hand Writing


Hand Writingは小学生における漢字の書き取りをより効率的に行うためのシステムです。デジタルペンを利用したり、ゲーム性を持たせたりするなど、小学生が飽きずに漢字練習できるインタラクティブなシステムにしました。デジタルペンを用いて紙面に漢字を書くと、事前に登録した手書き漢字データと書かれた筆跡を比較して識別し、スクリーンに書かれた漢字を表示します。書かれた漢字はデジタルペンを用いることで操作できます。それぞれの漢字ごとに音階を割り当てており、一つ一つをぶつけると音が鳴ります。


Hand Writing is a system which can efficiently improve the ability to read and write Chinese characters of elementary school students. We created a fun interactive gameplay system where students can practice Chinese characters using a digital pen. By writing Chinese characters with the digital pen, the system recognizes the hand-written characters and compares them with the Chinese characters stored in database. It is possible to manipulate characters on the screen. Different characters have different tones, and sounds play when characters collide. We aimed to utilize the interactive system to provide students with a more enjoyable experience when writing Chinese characters, thus increasing their willingness to learn. The system currently contains 80 characters from the first grade of school. A future research goal is to provide all the Chinese characters that students learn in upper grades of school.


  • [PDF]