

In recent years, due to the inclusion of popular dance in compulsory education, and the popularity of dance idols, there is a growing interest in dance. However, dance is often carried out in accordance with the music and video, rather than the sound and video responding to the dance. Therefore, we proposed a device for directing multimedia. For the purpose of this study, we focused on the dance genre known as “Lock”, which features prominent hand motions when compared to other styles of dance. When worn by the performer, this device – through various sensors – recognizes the speed and force of the performer’s movements, which affects the music and video accordingly.


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ComBand is a wristband device and communication system to allow haptic communication between remote locations. This device obtains the position and pressure of the user touching the device, and transmits the information to a communication partner by tactile display using a vibration motor and rotary motor. We enable haptic conversations through this device.


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Previously, there has been extensive research regarding the measurement of movement within the context of sports skills. In this research, we focused on football – one of the most famous sports in the world. Specifically, we focused on football juggling: one of the most practical exercises for novice footballers to obtain fundamental skills such as kicking, passing, dribbling and trapping. The aim of this study is to utilize a smartphone’s accelerometer as a sensor to measure football juggling skills. Unique points of this study included the use of machine leaning and frequency analysis. To score the football juggling skills of a user, we developed a prediction model to measure their skills, as well as a smartphone application.


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私達はインタラクティブメディアの技術を建築分野に応用するIMSSプロジェクトの実践を通じ、 プロトタイプ制作を重ねています。IMSSプロジェクトとはデジタル技術を空間に取り込むことで、既存の空間設計とは異なる新たな可能性を研究することを目的としています。 そして、さらにその技術をモジュール機構として統一してシステム化することで、より容易にインタラクティブメディアを空間に応用できると考えています。本研究では、これまでのモジュール機構を用いた対話的な間接照明プロダクトに着眼しました。モジュール機構および光と影を適切に用いることで、従来の間接照明にアンビエントメディアとしての機能を包含させ、さらにはユーザーが自由に形状や振る舞いをデザインできる間接照明システムを開発します。

By incorporating digital technology in spaces, this research aims to explore new possibilities beyond conventional spatial design. By unifying the technology as module mechanisms, we believe digital technology can more easily be applied to spatial design. In this study, we focus on interactive indirect lighting products using module mechanisms. By using these module mechanisms of ambient media, we are developing an indirect lighting system that users can freely design the shape and behavior of.



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Tapcon is an energy-efficient game controller which utilizes tactile presentation techniques. By using this tactile presentation, we developed original games with improved realism. By using a motor fader with sensors and actuators, we were able to produce a light-weight controller with reduced power consumption. Additionally, we created two games where this controller can be used: a digging action game, where the intensity of vibration changes depending on the hardness of the ground; and a bow and arrow shooting game, which presents a tactile experience of actually pulling the bow and arrow.


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Recently, by utilizing the 4DX system, projection mapping and interactive theater have made image expression more realistic by adding interactive aspects to video. On the other hand, there are few systems to enjoy highly realistic and interactive images at home. In this study, we propose a system – created with openframeworks and Arduino – that can improve realism and entertainment of images. This automated system can change the temperature and create vibrations accordingly to suit the characteristics of a scene.


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Recently, there is growing interest in achieving better sleep quality. Therefore, this research is investigating appropriate stimuli in response to sleep depth, and suggests an interface to improve the quality of sleep. We have developed an application that reports sleep depth by using a smartphone to detect the body motion of the user during sleep. This app sends the measured data to a PC. Moreover, the app provides light and sound stimuli in line with the measured sleep depth and suggests a pillow-type device that may improve the quality of sleep.


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A concept about a physical system of free kick’s simulation 


近年サッカーの個人トレーニングに関し, 加速度等のセンサを用いた身体運動分析に関する研究やmicoachのようなセンサーを内蔵したサッカーボールが販売され個人のデータを記録し練習に生かす試みがされ始めている.著者らは, 有名選手のフリーキックを自分も同じように蹴ることができるボールコントロールの体験をモディベーションとし, フリーキックに着目し, 実物体を使用したシミュレーションシステムを構想した.

In recent year, related to individual training of soccer, an attempt to take advantage of accelerometer etc. on researches and micoach which can tune your technique and kick like a pro with instant feedback on power, spin, strike and trajectory are increasing. The author pay attention to free kick’s simulation, the physical system of free kick’s simulation was conceived.


  • Xu HAN, Kumiko KUSHIYAMA, A concept about a physical system of free kick’s simulation, 2nd ADADA Japan 2015, 25th August, 2015 [PDF]



今日では、多くの玩具が市場に発表され、中でもラジオコントロールカーなどの操作可能な玩具は技術の進歩と 共に性能が向上しています。最近ではスマートフォンのアプリケーションで操作可能な玩具も発表されている一方で、それらは子供や幼児にとっては操作が困難な場合がしばしばあります。そこで我々は音を利用した自走式玩具の簡易な操作方法を提案します.具体的にはユーザがベルを鳴らすと、アヒルの形をした玩具がユーザがいる方向に向かって走行します。このアヒル型の玩具は2つのマイクを搭載しており、それを用いて音源がある方向を推定します。また、周波数解析を行って音程も推定し、設定した周波数であれば走行します。ユーザの後ろを玩具が追走することで、アヒルの親子のようにユーザは玩具を操作して遊ぶことが出来ます。


Today, there are many types of digital toys available for children. Actuated toys, such as remote-controlled cars, are getting more intelligent and smart: we can now control these kinds of toys with smartphone applications. On the other hand, such controllers are sometimes difficult for children to control. Thus we propose an easy way to control a motorized car by using simple sounds. Once a user rings a bell, it makes a duck toy move towards the direction of a user. Our duck toy has two capacitor condenser microphones to detect the location of a sound source. Then, through frequency analysis, it detects the pitch of a sound. As a result, a user can enjoy being like a mother duck.


  • Nagisa Niwata, Tetsuaki BABA, A Sound-Controlled Duck Toy: a Challenge to Apply Sound Source to Controller for Children’s toys, ID:198, Art Paper, 12th International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design,15-16 November, 2014 [PDF]