A concept about a physical system of free kick’s simulation 


近年サッカーの個人トレーニングに関し, 加速度等のセンサを用いた身体運動分析に関する研究やmicoachのようなセンサーを内蔵したサッカーボールが販売され個人のデータを記録し練習に生かす試みがされ始めている.著者らは, 有名選手のフリーキックを自分も同じように蹴ることができるボールコントロールの体験をモディベーションとし, フリーキックに着目し, 実物体を使用したシミュレーションシステムを構想した.

In recent year, related to individual training of soccer, an attempt to take advantage of accelerometer etc. on researches and micoach which can tune your technique and kick like a pro with instant feedback on power, spin, strike and trajectory are increasing. The author pay attention to free kick’s simulation, the physical system of free kick’s simulation was conceived.


  • Xu HAN, Kumiko KUSHIYAMA, A concept about a physical system of free kick’s simulation, 2nd ADADA Japan 2015, 25th August, 2015 [PDF]



今日では、多くの玩具が市場に発表され、中でもラジオコントロールカーなどの操作可能な玩具は技術の進歩と 共に性能が向上しています。最近ではスマートフォンのアプリケーションで操作可能な玩具も発表されている一方で、それらは子供や幼児にとっては操作が困難な場合がしばしばあります。そこで我々は音を利用した自走式玩具の簡易な操作方法を提案します.具体的にはユーザがベルを鳴らすと、アヒルの形をした玩具がユーザがいる方向に向かって走行します。このアヒル型の玩具は2つのマイクを搭載しており、それを用いて音源がある方向を推定します。また、周波数解析を行って音程も推定し、設定した周波数であれば走行します。ユーザの後ろを玩具が追走することで、アヒルの親子のようにユーザは玩具を操作して遊ぶことが出来ます。


Today, there are many types of digital toys available for children. Actuated toys, such as remote-controlled cars, are getting more intelligent and smart: we can now control these kinds of toys with smartphone applications. On the other hand, such controllers are sometimes difficult for children to control. Thus we propose an easy way to control a motorized car by using simple sounds. Once a user rings a bell, it makes a duck toy move towards the direction of a user. Our duck toy has two capacitor condenser microphones to detect the location of a sound source. Then, through frequency analysis, it detects the pitch of a sound. As a result, a user can enjoy being like a mother duck.


  • Nagisa Niwata, Tetsuaki BABA, A Sound-Controlled Duck Toy: a Challenge to Apply Sound Source to Controller for Children’s toys, ID:198, Art Paper, 12th International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design,15-16 November, 2014 [PDF]

ADADA Japan 2015 conference

We attended ADADA 2015 Japan conference at Musashino Art University and did over 10 presentations. Fortunately we got 3 prizes at the conference.

ADADA Japan 2015

■ADADA Japan 2015 学生研究奨励賞(学生を対象とした賞)
首都大学東京 庭田 凪沙
首都大学東京 馬場 哲晃

ADADA Japan 2015 研究奨励賞(一般研究者を対象とした賞)
首都大学東京 馬場 哲晃
首都大学東京 Paul Haimes

大妻女子大学 中野 希大
首都大学東京 渡辺 真太郎

We launched a startup company

Orphe from no new folk studio on Vimeo.

Yuya (Doctoral course) and Takaharu (Alumni) launched a startup company.
The company name is No New Folk. They are now under the DMM Akihabara group. Their first product is “Orphe”, which is a smart-shoes system designed for performance that functions both as a customizable lighting system and a musical instrument/audio-visual controller.

They have already succeeded to be funded on Indigogo.


Orphe is a smart-shoes system designed for performance that functions both as a customizable lighting system and a musical instrument/audio-visual controller. The sole of each shoe contains advanced motion sensors, around 100 full-color, serially-controlled LEDs, and a wireless module (patent pending). This technology allows users to intuitively express themselves in new and interesting ways by freely mapping interactions between their movements and light and sound. We also provide a system that makes it easy for users to share the assets they’ve created online, and we hope to grow a community of artists and performers working in different media and genres who can take inspiration from each other’s use of Orphe hardware and applications.



NAKANISYNTH is a synthesizer application that allows users to produce sound loops by freehand drawing sound waves and envelope curves. Since the only input required involves drawing two waveforms, users can easily produce various sounds intuitively without complex manipulation. This application has a keyboard where users can edit waveforms and make sounds simultaneously. Therefore, it is easy for the user to understand the relationship between a waveform and the sound it produces.


  • Kyosuke NAKANISHI, Tsubasa YOHA, Paul HAIMES, Tetsuaki BABA, Kumiko KUSHIYAMA, NAKANISYNTH: A Freehand Drawing Waveform Synthesizer, ID:110, Art Paper, 12th International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design,15-16 November, 2014 [PDF]


Paul is currently working on a research project here at Tokyo Metropolitan University’s System Design faculty looking at how to make information on natural hazards (such as earthquakes, active volcanoes and typhoons) in Japan more accessible and usable. It’s very early stages but the plan is to build a smart phone app. We’ve recently launched a mini-site for the project at hazards.jp. This research will build on some of the findings from Paul’s PhD and the MyFireWatch project.


Pocopoco is a new musical interface that users can control by pushing, holding and turning – very intuitive and tactile actions. To create Pocopoco we developed original solenoid units with built-in sensors and assembled 16 of them in a box-shaped container to serve as a universal input/output device. Through the use of their up and down movement we have created a new form of musical expression. The resulting device is a versatile interface whose physical movement is appealing to both performers and audiences.